Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Georgia Medievalists' Group Fall Meeting CFP


2014 Fall Meeting of the Georgia Medievalists' Group

Where: Columbus State University, Columbus, GA

When: Saturday, November 8th, 2014, 10:00am-5:00pm

Columbus State University's new Medieval and Renaissance Studies program is very pleased to be hosting the Fall 2104 meeting of the Georgia Medievalists' Group on Saturday, November 8. The Georgia Medievalists' Group is a group of professional and student medievalists of all disciplines that meets twice a year, for a one day interdisciplinary conference of medievalists featuring about 6-8 presenters giving 30 minute presentations of their research. Please consider taking advantage of the chance to present your work and visit with your colleagues from across the state! 

We welcome proposals for papers by faculty or advanced graduate students working in the state of Georgia or nearby regions on any medieval subject or discipline, broadly construed.  Anyone interested in participating, please email an abstract of about 250 words or less along with the title of your proposed presentation and contact information to Shannon Godlove at godlove_shannon@columbusstate.edu by Monday, September 15th.

Please spread the word to any friends, colleagues or graduate students you think may be interested, and consider attending even if you have no plans to present. Should be a fun time in uptown Columbus!

We hope to hear from you and see you in November! 

Shannon Godlove

Shannon Godlove, PhD
Assistant Professor of English
Coordinator, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Certificate
Columbus State University
Woodall Hall 163
4225 University Avenue
Columbus, GA 31907