Here is the Table of Contents:
- E. L. Risden: Introduction
- Valerie B. Johnson: Ecomedievalism: Medievalism's Potential Futures in Ecocriticism and Ecomaterialism
- Amy S. Kaufman: Lowering the Drawbridge
- Elena Levy-Navarro: A Long Parenthesis Begins
- Nickolas Haydock: Medievalism and Anamorphosis: Curious Perspectives on the Middle Ages
- Kevin Moberly & Brent Moberly: There is No Word for Work in the Dragon Tongue
- E. L. Risden: Miyazaki's Medieval World: Japanese Medievalism and the Rise of Anime
- Karl Fugelso: Embracing Our Marginalism: Mitigating the Tyranny of a Central Paradigm
- Carol L. Robinson: The Quest for a Deaf Lesbian Dwarf (or Anyone Else that Might Have Been Excluded) in Medievalist Video Games: A Response to Karl Fugelso’s ‘Manifesto’
- Jesse G. Swan: Relaxation and Amateur Medievalism for Early Modernity: Seeing Sir Henry Yelverton as a Woman in Love and a Bureaucrat Threatened in the 1621 Parliament
- Helen Young: Place and Time: Medievalism and Making Race
- Richard Utz: Can We Talk About Religion, Please? Medievalism’s Eschewal of Religion, and Why it Matters