Here is information about a new and exciting venue in Medievalism Studies forthcoming with Boydell & Brewer later this year:
The discipline of medievalism has produced a great deal of scholarship acknowledging the "makers" of the Middle Ages: those who re-discovered the period from 500 to 1500 by engaging with its cultural works, seeking inspiration from them, or fantasizing about them. Yet such approaches - organized by time period, geography, or theme - often lack an overarching critical framework. This volume aims to provide such a framework, by calling into question the problematic yet commonly accepted vocabulary used in Medievalism Studies. The contributions, by leading scholars in the field, define and exemplify essential terms used when speaking of the later reception of medieval culture, in a lively and accessible style.
The terms: Archive, Authenticity, Authority, Christianity, Co-disciplinarity, Continuity, Feast, Gesture, Gothic, Heresy, Humor, Lingua, Love, Memory, Middle, Modernity, Monument, Myth, Play, Presentism, Primitive, Purity, Reenactment, Resonance, Simulacrum, Spectacle, Transfer, Trauma, Troubadour
Elizabeth Emery is Professor of French and Graduate Coordinator at Montclair State University (Montclair, NJ, USA); Richard Utz is Chair and Professor of Medievalism Studies in the School of Literature, Media, and Communication at Georgia Tech (Atlanta, GA, USA).
Contributors: Matthew Fisher, Pam Clements, Gwendolyn Morgan, William Calin, Jonathan Hsy, Karl Fugelso, Martha Carlin, Zrinka Stahuljak, Carol Robinson, Kevin Murphy and Lisa Reilly, Nadia Margolis, Clare A. Simmons, M. Jane Toswell, Juanita Feros Ruys, Vincent Ferré, David Matthews, Tom Shippey, Edward Risden, Martin Arnold, Brent Moberly and Kevin Moberly, Louise D'Arcens, Laura Morowitz, Amy Kaufman, Michael Cramer, Nils Holger Petersen, Lauren S. Mayer, Angela Weisl, Nadia Altschul, Kathleen Biddick, Elizabeth Fay